Hidup, Amal & Akhir HayatKu Untuk ALLAH s.w.t.

RENUNGILAH... HARGAILAH SEBUAH PERSAHABATAN KERANA DISEBALIKNYA TERSIMPUL SEGALA-GALANYA… Satu-satunya cara agar kita memperolehi kasih sayang, ialah jangan menuntut agar kita dicintai, tetapi mulailah memberi kasih sayang kepada orang lain tanpa mengharapkan balasan. (Dale Carnagie)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

..:: RITUALS 2 ::..

Invoking a Jin King
According to the occultist/mystic Syaikh Ahmad Ad Dairobi, Jin entities may be invoked. The following verse invokes a king of the Jin spirits. Although there are no proper instructions, traditionally, this should be done at midnight, in an empty, dark room with the appropriate incense (Apel-Jin) burning. The invoker should be alone. After the necessary preparations he should commence with the obligatory prayers, and a recitation of the Surat Al Jin 100 x. Then the prayer verses below (mostly from Surat Yaasiin) may be recited in their following order for countless times until the Jin king appears (When he appears what are you going to do?--webmaster)
"Wa nufikho fish shuuri faidzaa hum minal ajdaatsi ilaa robbihim yansiluun. Qooluu yaa wailanaa mam ba'atsanaa mim marqodinaa, haadzaa maa wa'adar rohmaanu wa shodaqol mursaluun. Ing kaanat illaa shoihataw waahidatan faidzaa hum jamii'ul ladainaa muhdhoruun."
"Wa laqod 'alimatil jinaatu innahum lamuhdhoruun."
"Haadzihi jahannamul latii kuntum tuu'aduun."
"Ishlauhal yauma bimaa kuntum takfuruun."
Surat Al Jin
"Bismillahir rahmmanir rahiim.
"Qul uuhiya ilayya annahus tama'a nafarum minal jinni fa qaaluu innaa sami'naa qur-aanan 'ajabaa yahdii ilar rusydi fa aamannaa bihii wa lan nusyrika bi rabbinaa ahadaa wa annahuu ta'aalaa jaddu rabbinaa mat takhadza shaahibataw wa laa waladaa wa annahuu kaana yaquulu safiihunaa 'alallaahi syathathaa."

To Locate a Lost Object
If you have misplaced an object and wish to re-locate it, get into a dark room and recite for countless times the following:
"Yaa Haadii Ihdinii."
If you conduct this rite you will soon be led intuitively to the place of the lost object or will be able to see it, cause sometimes mischievous spirits love to play tricks with our eyes. This is quite a rare rite.

Sembogo Cahyo
To appear extremely attractive and radiant, conduct the following rite:
Enter into a secluded retreat. Begin a complete fast beginning at dawn on a Thursday (no eating or drinking) and ending on a Friday (24 hours). Without speaking or seeing anyone, morning and night, recite the following verse for countless times in your prayer room. This should be done for five sessions (you may rest between sessions) :
"Bismilahir rahmanir rahiim
"Coyo coyo nur cahyo
"Cahyaku cemening koyo seloko Dadaku mancur koyo kencono
"Prapatan pendito songo
"Ora ono wong lanang sejati
"Aku sejatining wong lanang."
The following is an option but it may be done on the following week, on the same day, with the same type of fast and preparations. The rite makes others pay heed to our words. The rite/chant is called "Sembogo Pengasihan."
"Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim.
"Gilang-gilang sak lungaku
"Guyu guyu sak lukuku
"Gunung sari lelungguhku
"Prabu sari iku rupaku
"Allah ngirut nyowo
"Nyawane wong sak buwono kirut marang aku
"Sembagane wong sak buwono kirut marang sembagaku
"Teko welas teko asih wong sak bwono pandulune marang aku."
Again, the complete rite actually consist of three stages. The past two have been explained. The third is conducted as the previous two and on the following week. It is called "Sembogo Pangerupan." It has the virtue of attracting others to us by the power of our voice.
"Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim
"Hong hong Hyang kakang cahyo
"Adam adegku "Rasulullah pengawakku
"Sekabehing cahyo manungso
"Kang akrungu, adoh kanyut
"Cedhak karut
"Karut kanyut -- karut kanyut
"Saking kersane Allah."

The Secret of Combating Black Magick
If you would like to accumulate cosmic power within your body that would help you combat negative forces, conduct everyday the ritual explained below. The discipline would eventually cause a fiery power to emanate from your being and effectually instill discomfort in negative entities. Thoughtforms and energy-fields producing ill-effects would be neutralized. This ritual is a legacy of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani.
The method is as follows:
After the morning and evening prayers recite this prayer verse 7 x :
"Bismil laahir rahmaanir rahiim. Rabbi innii maghluubun fantasir wajbur qalbil munkasir wajma' syamlii. Tahabu 'aisyal abadi li ahlii aakhirah fahab lii. Umran thawiilan maziidam min 'aafiyatika wa ridhaaka. 'Fa innaka waliiyu dzaa-lika fid dunyaa wal aakhirati wal qaadiru 'alaiih."
Do this while sitting cross-legged or in a lotus/half-lotus position. Place your hands upon the knee, palms up. After reciting the chant, blow upon the palms of your hands 3 or 5 times visualizing cosmic power flowing with your breath and onto your palms. Then rub your face, your chest, your abdomen, feet, etc., being confident that the power is being transferred to every part of your body.

Mosquito Remover
If these miniature vampires disturb your beauty sleep and you wish to get rid of them, just do the simple ritual below.
Hold a glass of water in your hand and recite over it the following verses :
"Wa maa lanaa allaa natawakkala 'alallaahi wa qad hadaanaa subulanaa, wa lanashbiranna 'alaa maa aaadzaitumuunaa, wa 'alallaai fal-yatawakkalil-mutawakkiluun." 7 x
"In kuntum mu'minien fa kuffuu syarrakum 'annaa." 1 x
Then sprinkle the water all over your room. Hopefully this works, otherwise just spray some Raid.

Magickally Calling Someone to Visit You
To telepathically request someone to visit you, chant the prayers below while visualizing the person in question:
"Wa nisy syayaathieni may yaghuushuuna lahuu wa ya'maluuna 'amalan duuna dzaalika, wa kun-naa lahum haafizhien."
Recite the above prayer 1000 x. After every 100 recitations, chant this prayer once :
"Yaa khuddaama haadzihil-aayatisy-syariefah, ji'fie mitsaalie wa shuuratie ilayya N . . . (name of the person) wa muruuhu an yajie-anie."
Pronunciation Guide to the Mantras/Prayers/Chants
A = Ah as in father
C = Ch as in choose
E = a as in pay
G = Gh as in grape
I = ee as in tree
U = oo as in tool


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