Hidup, Amal & Akhir HayatKu Untuk ALLAH s.w.t.

RENUNGILAH... HARGAILAH SEBUAH PERSAHABATAN KERANA DISEBALIKNYA TERSIMPUL SEGALA-GALANYA… Satu-satunya cara agar kita memperolehi kasih sayang, ialah jangan menuntut agar kita dicintai, tetapi mulailah memberi kasih sayang kepada orang lain tanpa mengharapkan balasan. (Dale Carnagie)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

..:: TATOO In ISLAM ::..

Is it haram for Muslims to tattoo their bodies?“
Islam denounces excesses in beautifying oneself when it alters the physical features that Allah created him with. The Glorious Qur'an considers such alterations as inspired by Satan, who "...will command them (his devotees) to change what Allah has created...” (An-Nisaa': 119)
Tattooing is one of those excesses. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have cursed the tattooer and the tattooed. (Reported by Muslim)
Tattooing permanently disfigures the face and other parts of the body with colored pigment and repulsive designs. Some people are in the habit of tattooing large areas of their bodies. People of certain religious sects tattoo pictures of their deities or religious rituals on their hands and chests. The pain and agony that the person experiences from the needles piercing skin add to these images. Because of all of this, both the tattooer and the one who is tattooed have been cursed.”


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